Untitled (Wander and Errancies - memories within) i by Adler Guerrier
Untitled (Wander and Errancies - memories within) i by Adler Guerrier
Untitled (Wander and Errancies - memories within) i, 2021
transfer and drawing on paper
15 x 11 inches – 18 x 14 inches (framed)
Adler Guerrier roams the streets of Miami, absorbing urban impressions before producing mixed-media drawings and sculptures, photographs, installations, and videos conveying the individual and collective experiences of cities. Though Miami is his subject and cipher for cities worldwide, he is rooted in his native Haiti. “I am Haitian, therefore I make Haitian art…I use what I have, that is a particular history, shaped by family, education, migration, neighborhoods,” he explains. In his work, Guerrier offers a vision of the urban landscape through color-saturated snapshots and drawings composed of text fragments and patterns accrued during his wanderings. Like the streets themselves, his works are a pastiche of everything—sights, sounds, people—that makes cities hum.